Sunday, July 3, 2016

Geez- I forgot I even had this blog. And in the interest of always embracing the past, I will keep the entries from 6 years ago and continue from here. Last night's bbq has rendered me too tired to post today, but I hopefully will be up to it tomorrow.

Monday, August 2, 2010

basic SPACE.

Today as I was throwing things around my room in order to find the wallet and keys that I thought I lost, only to discover my purse hanging in plain sight off my desk chair, I realized: my room is an absolute pig sty. I had saved money to spend during my 2 week vacation in Florida, and as I pleasantly discovered, sixty dollars can buy quite a lot of random thrift store goodies. As I not so pleasantly discovered, it can also buy a huge headache when you need to wash, fold, and try to put them all away in closets and drawers that are already bursting. A visit to my room will show that my bookshelves do not even house books anymore, rather I have rows and rows of blue jeans and sweaters crammed into the small space. (My books have been sent to the communal bookshelves in my basement.) My floor is a mess of bills, envelopes, bobby pins, perfume bottles, magazines, hair clips, sunglasses, library books, feather headdresses (yes, really) and tons of other randomness that I can honestly say that I do not even know all that I own because I cannot see it all. Some of my clothing is stored downstairs, some in my attic, and some in my poor grandmother's drawers and closets. I do not like to get rid of anything. Eventually, when I have teenage children, they will be very thankful for this, but it drives my family crazy. I have dreams of downsizing my wardrobe, of choosing basics that I will wear over again in hopes of looking classic and sophisticated instead of too trendy, but my love of clothing always gets the best of me. I have a horrible phobia of being seen in the same outfit- in the same combination- twice. I know, I'm crazy. This is why I also have about seven cream colored sweaters when only two (or maybe three) are necessary. My goal for the rest of the summer is to get two bags of clothing that I know I really won't wear anymore and either open up an online store or donate them to Goodwill. I also want to be able to have a desk that I can sit at, with organized drawers and a system for my accessories that makes them all accessible. Hey, a girl can dream...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A quick post of what I wore to my 9 year 8th grade reunion... thrifted skirt worn as dress ; dollar store scarf worn as belt ; forever 21 feather necklace ; handmade, 2dollarjewelry, and thrift bracelets ; target wedges (not pictured). I'd try to begin to tell you how much I loved my grammar school and all the friends I made there, but that's a whole other story :)
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Thursday, June 17, 2010

i've got the blues.

These are the most recent additions to my ring collection, and clearly I am into the blue/silver colors for this summer. I've also discovered one of my new favorite websites for jewelry-, where everything is... you guessed it... 2 dollars. My boyfriend treated me to some pieces for my birthday, and all the rings except for the turquoise one on my middle finger (ebay) are from that website. Got some great bracelets and necklaces from there too, which I will post later. I can't reccommend the site enough for when you need a cheap fix.
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Wonder Years

I'm twenty three. Well, I have been now for a few days already. What a weird time in my life... I still feel in many ways like I am 18, and looking like I am much younger than that doesn't help either. The eve of my birthday was as low key as I wanted it to be. We headed to the local bar and I brought Nancy Drew madlibs, where we celebrated with beers, grilled cheese, chocolate cake shots and dirty adjectives and adverbs. The next day brought a bit of window shopping and a trip to the thrift store, where I scored the perfect vintage t-shirt and pendleton wool jacket. Then, some of my old college pals (wooah) came and we went to the Fireplace for MORE grilled cheese, onion rings and root beer floats. Followed by an evening of hardcore dancing fueled by $3 land sharks. Here's hoping my 23rd year is the best yet.
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Friday, April 2, 2010

loving the library.

A quick collage of the goings on in my life:
Went to the library (blockbuster WHO) to get some free rentals. Walked away with Mirrors, Wendy and Lucy, Silkwood, and Rendition. I think I'm going to pop in Silkwood tonight, as I love vintage Cher. Lately I have been on a beading frenzy. These are some of my new bracelets that I have made- and the one on the bottom left is a dream catcher one that I am making a bunch more of and will put in my shop soon. Also pictured is my hand- as you can see I have a new found love of wearing toe rings (ewww) on my actual fingers. They fit just right above my knuckle and I'm digging the look. Finally- my latest Polyvore. Wish I had everything in this picture. ::sigh::
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Monday, March 22, 2010


new season... new haircut... new necklace.

This past weekend was completely gorgeous and lifted my spirits, hopefully into a more productive mood. As soon as I saw this necklace on F21, I knew it had to be mine. It sure is a statement piece.

glasses, necklace and jeans: f21 / shoes: thrifted / shirt: handed down from my friend Kelly.
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